"If you read only six advertising books" - meet the authors of the six best ones.

"It's kind of like ad school, except the professors may or may not be wearing pants." 
I can easily say that "Hey Whipple" by Luke Sullivan is my favorite advertising book, as I and my former partner used to read it out loud on slow days and laugh out loud at our favorite anecdotes. At some point, we were so dorky, that we could quote pages by heart. My former partner has taught advertising at Rietveld School of Art & Design and I've taught design at Lund University, we both try to emulate Luke's flair of teaching you lessons with a large dose of straightforward no-bullshit and humor.  To say that he's influenced an entire generation of creatives is an understatement, he has influenced several generations. 

And, he shows no signs of stopping! 

“If You Read Only Six Books.” is a series of 20-minute shorts that may help students and juniors get into the industry and/or do better work. It's Luke Sullivan, Cameron Day, Nancy Vonk, David Baldwin and Thomas Kemeny shooting the shit about everything in advertising. Jokes and no-bullshit advice served up fresh. How important is networking for your career? How important is your portfolio? What degrees do you really need to make it in advertising? How do you present and sell yourself better? Do watch! 

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