IMPORTANT - Save The Day (2016) (USA)

Joss Whedon has called all of his connections and then some to gather celebrities for this Hollywood-choddy on steroids. It's so aware of being a choddy, and mocks it mercilessly, that it seems a great SNL parody. Until someone says that you have to vote "because one of the two major-party candidates is a racist, sexist, moronic, loud-mouthed demagogue." That's when you suddenly remember that this is how people actually talk about this election, and we're currently living in something akin to a parody of reality.

So while Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Mark Ruffalo, Don Cheadle, Cobie Smulders and Clark Gregg, David Harbour, along with huge Hollywood names like Keegan Michael-Key, Oscar-winner Julianne Moore, and Bradley Whitford do their best choddy serious-ness to inform us how to register to vote, some non celebrities are thrown in for good measure. When the little latina lady shows up, I feel she represents how Hollywood actually see immigrants from south of the border - as a prop. While it is quite a funny version of the Hollywood elite telling us something is important, it's difficult to take it seriously when neither candidate would change these billionaires lives very much at all and the whole thing seems to be done on a lark.

P.S. To register to vote just Google it, and you will find how to online, in person and by mail specific for the state that you are in.

IMPORTANT - Save The Day
Director : Joss Whedon

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kidsleepy's picture

So many problems with this, not just the fact it is way too long. If they want to make an Anti-Trump ad, they shouldn't dress it up as a "vote no matter what," ad because it's two messages in one.
Of course they know this because the ad makes an abrupt 180 turn at the halfway mark. Regardless of your politics, ads like this are simply ineffective. We know this because Rock the Vote has done literally nothing to encourage people, especially the younger groups to vote. They analyzed the statistics in 2004, 14 years after the program began and discovered it was beyond useless.

"Youth voting has actually declined since RtV has been in existence. Only in 1992 did youth voting tick upward from its continuing downward descent (but so did all other age groups that year). Voter turnout among 18-24 year-olds was around 45% in 1990, RtV’s first year in business, but by 2000, this age group was voting in the range of 38%. There were about 27 million young people aged 18-24 in 1990 and around 29 million in 2000. That means around 11 million young people voted in 2000, and 12.1 million young people voted in 1990, for a net loss of one million young voters."

In other words, this is nothing more than virtue signaling from rich Hollywood Elites who are screaming into an echo chamber and still believing people are listening.
This ad makes no attempt to hide their contempt for one party or candidate over another. And in particular one candidate who has been leading in the polls as of late. I guess it's nice that they aren't even trying to remain objective. Or tolerant or understanding of anyone else's point of view. I'd rather everyone take their kid gloves off anyway. But it does make me question exactly who this ad is actually for.

They don't call Donald Trump by name but it is obvious who they believe is the racist of the two candidates. I just wish someone would have told Joss Whedon and the big important Hollywood stars that using a Mexican woman as a "not-famous" person, unnamed, as a joke, rather than in an empowering situation ironically shows exactly how they view actual immigrants and Latinos. But of course they could never be racist because everything they do is perfect, right?