ING Turkey - 8 March 8 Prejiduces 8 Female Illustrators (2022) case study (Turkey)

Behind every woman, there is a big obstacle.

Title:    8 March 8 Prejiduces 8 Female Illustrators

Client:    ING Turkey
Entrant Company:    Tribal WW Istanbul
Agency:    Tribal WW Istanbul
Creative Director:    Güldeniz Sesen Bilginer

Arda Erdik - Creative Chairman
Ali Harun Sevinç - Creative Group Head
Emre Çil - Creative Group Head
Ozan Ateş - Art Director
Enes Hadzibegoviç - Copywriter
Selçuk Çelebioğlu - Social Media Head
Asude Tezel - Social Media Manager
Sema Gün - Motion Designer
Cansu Çelebican - Account Director
Ceren Şehitoğlu - Head of Strategy
Kaan Arslan - Strategist
Pelin Önal - Client Services Director
Başar Bellisan - Chief Design Officer
Uğur Karaman - Producer

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