Jack Daniel's "Few and Far Between trailer" (2014) :45 (USA)

Every bar has a story. Jack Daniels wants you to see (or hear, or both) them at Tales Of Whiskey Fun stories, probably most of them a bunch of b.s., but entertaining anyway. I wish the sites didn't have the pre-loaded background "bar noise," as it gets a bit annoying, but I have to take my hat off to Jack for this. Great branded content, and storytelling in the truest sense of the word. Love it.

Client: Jack Daniel’s
Agency: Arnold
Executive Creative Directors: Wade Devers and Pete Johnson
Group Creative Director: Erik Enberg
Creative Directors: Travis Robertson and Greg Almeida
Art Directors: Travis Robertson and Daran Brossard
Copywriters: Greg Almeida and Madhu Kalyanaraman
Producers: Todd Buffum and Ben Ouellette
Backend Developer: MediaMonks
UI Developers: MediaMonks
UX Architect: Andy Dobbs
Production Supervisor: Todd Buffum and Ben Ouellette
Planners: Kieron Monahan and Emily Brown
Quality Assurance Manager: Nate Read
Marketing Producers: Paul Nelson, Emily Brooks and Michelle Dravis
Business Affairs: Maria Rougvie
Production Company: MediaMonks
Production Company Creative Director: Jouke Vuurmans
Production Company Director: Joe Roberts
Production Company Producers: Nathalie Visser and Tim Ruiters

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