Jack Daniel's "Swarm The Honey" :30 (USA)

King bees head out on the two and swarm to a bar to celebrate Jack Daniels Tennessee Honey.

I can't wait till they come out with Locust and Raining Frog Flavored Whiskey.

Client: Jack Daniel's
Agency: Arnold Worldwide Boston
Executive Creative Director: Wade Devers
Creative Director: Jose Luis Martinez, Peter Johnson
Art Director: Alyssa Wilson Georg
Copywriter: Peter Hughes
Executive Producer: William Near
Assistant Producer: Alex Saevitz
Account Team: Shannon Coletti, Emily Brooks
Production Company: Smuggler
Live Action Producer: Michael Schlenker
Director: Laurent Ledru
Creative Director: Laurent Ledru
Director of Photography: Robert Elswitt
Director/VFX Company: Psyop
Executive Producer: Luisa Murray
Producer: Paul Winze
VFX Supervisor: Marko Vukovic, Diego Vazquez
Designer: Lilit Hayrapetyan
Storyboard Artist: Josh Wiesenfeld
Editor (boardomatic): Brett Nicoletti
Matte Painter: Andrew Park
Lead Technical Director: Marko Vukovic
Lead Flame: Diego Vazquez
Compostior(s): Diego Vazquez, Marko Vukovic
Modeler(s): Justin Lewers
Rigger(s): Parzival Rothlein
Animator(s): Joel Sevilla
Animator(s): Adam Floeck
Lighter(s): Danka Chiang, Stephen Delalla
GFX: Diego Vazquez, Marko Vukovic
Editorial Company: Lost Planet
Editor: Max Koepke
Assistant Editor: Kimmy Dube
Executive Producer: Krystn Wagenberg
Producer: Lisa Barnable
Telecine Company: CO3 - NYC
Colorist: Tom Poole

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