Jockey wants you to stop your squirming

Jockey's new web site draws attention to the taboo topic of uncomfortable underwear situations by showcasing the comical ways that people try to alleviate discomfort caused by ill-fitting underwear. The site was created with the help of Periscope.

The launch of is Jockey's first viral marketing campaign as the company seeks to generate buzz and build brand awareness with a new, younger consumer base. The campaign is part of a larger corporate initiative that includes marketing, branding and new product introductions designed to attract younger consumers to the brand.

"Through a funny and edgy approach, we hope to focus consumer attention on the issue of uncomfortable underwear and the solution provided by Jockey's superior fitting undergarments," said Tim Pitt, Vice President of Global Marketing and Advertising at Jockey International, Inc. "The campaign's interactive online format and highly amusing content allows Jockey to engage younger consumers in a more meaningful, relevant way."

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