John Lewis - #MontyThePenguin - (2014) (UK)

Once again, the John Lewis Christmas advert, is one giant kleenex-alert. The music is ‘Real Love’ performed by Tom Odell, the original song was written by John Lennon, and it is the perfect track to the story of a young boy and his best friend MontyThePenguin. Monty is with our young boy Sam all day and all night, the one he shares his days in the park and fried fish with. But Sam soon notices that Monty is lonely. For christmas, Sam gifts Monty MabelThePenguin. And when mom comes down to see what is going on, yep, that's when I lost it. Good lord John Lewis, you own tears at christmas now. Please tell me you sell handkerchiefs.

Song: ‘Real Love’ performed by Tom Odell

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David Felton's picture

Is someone chopping onions again...? Story wise, I prefer this to 'The Bear and the Hare' of last year, but good luck improving on that perfect Lily Allen cover of 'Somewhere Only We Know'. This one won't end up in the charts, but it's already found a special place in my mechnical robot heart.

Dabitch's picture

It's really well done all around, I swear it's like they push a button THE MOMENT mom comes in I start sobbing. Christ on a stick, I thought I got rid of this cry-button years ago.