K-Rauta throw "yard parties" all over Sweden, advertises them with hand written notes.

K-rauta, our version of Home Depot is the sender of this "ad" which looks just like a hand written note from your neighbour, and is currently taped to doors all over Malmö. The note reads;

Yard party!
Hi neighbours. On Saturday we're planning on having a yard party. Sorry if we get a little loud. If you don't like Mojje or lawn mower racing perhaps you should go to your country house instead?Otherwise you're very welcome to Stortorget kl. 11
- K-rautas festkommitté (party committee)

At first glance, I thought it was a real note, and ignored it since I didn't live there, but then I saw more of them on other buildings and decided to take the time to read it. Even after that I was confused, since I didn't know who Mojjo was and the bit inviting me to Stortorget at 11 on Saturday didn't quite sink in until just now when I translated the note. K-rauta has already held their yard party in Stockholm, so this is what I can expect (film inside). I think I'll pass.

By the way, did you know there's a British Lawn Mower Racing Association? They take this stuff very seriously.

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