Kama Sutra Condoms - Ice cream cones

Knob gag alert!

Mmmmm. Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry... Fun story, a friend of mine was super hungover after a night of sudden hookup in Paris, and as he was trying to make it back home to his place he felt he really needed something to take the hangover breath away. The only thing he had in his pocket was a caramel flavored condom. He pretended it was chewing gum. I can't think about flavored condoms without laughing at this.

Client: Kama Sutra
Product: Condoms

Agency: 1pointsize

Executive Creative Director: Sharad Haksar

Creative Director: Anantha Narayan

Art Director: Shanmugha Vel

Copywriter: E.Prakash

Photographer: Sharad Haksar

Website: http://www.1pointsize.com

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