KFC - Healthy - For You (2003) - 0:30 (USA)

Wife brings home a healthier dinner. Husband rolls eyes, until he notices it's a bucket of KFC.

Update: A formal complaint was filed to the FTC fNov. 6 by the Center for Science in the Public Interest. CSPI's executive director, Dr. Michael F. Jacobson, urged the agency "to protect the public health by taking prompt enforcement action against these two KFC advertisements that clearly violate the FTC Act's ban on deceptive food advertising." KFC responded by pulling the ads. This campaign will no longer air. The FTC would not comment on the investigation.

Client: KFC
Ad agency: Foote, Cone & Belding, Chicago

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After seeing this commercial, I went on an all-fried chicken diet and although I gained 200 pounds, KFC insisted it was "quality" pounds.