Kids Company - Christmas Alone - print, UK

Kids Company: Christmas

December 14th sees the launch of AMV BBDO, London's Christmas campaign for Kids Company, which will raise money to help fund the annual Christmas Day event the charity stages to support over 1000 children.
Through impactful creative and innovative use of traditional media, the campaign encourages the public to donate £5 to help fund this year's event, which provides gifts, food and company on Christmas Day for young Londoners whose circumstances preclude a traditional family celebration.
The campaign has been developed around the premise that 'no child should be alone at Christmas', using the physical and emotional loneliness often experienced by the vulnerable young people who turn to Kids Company as the creative inspiration.
Through a series of site-specific 6 sheet posters, AMV BBDO creative's Paul Cohen and Mark Fairbanks have created the illusion of young kids alone in the everyday London landscape: "If you saw a young child alone on the street you would wonder where their parent was and hopefully feel compelled to help or check they're ok. We've produced a series of emotionally-charged, site-specific posters that are hard to ignore. The intention is that the children appear to be there in the street right in front of you. Hopefully they will strike a chord with the audience and encourage them to donate."

Client: Kids Company
Agency: AMV BBDO, London

Thom Atkinson (Photographer)
In-house (Production company)
Paul Cohen (Art Director)
Mark Fairbanks (Copywriter)

Agency Planner: Louise Nolder
Media Agency: PHD

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