- Thank you for doing your part (2021) Sweden

This ad was aired on Folkhälsomyndighetens social channels as well as on Swedish TV.  As an older man leaves an apartment building, two young men open the door for him and hold their breath as he passes. Why hold their breath? Swedish health ministry led by Anders Tegnell has repeatedly stated that masks are not useful, and can in fact be dangerous as people wearing them may touch their faces more often in attempting to fix the mask. The FHM (folkkhälsomyndigheten / ministry of health) has also stated that the virus isn't airborne. Now that this has been disproven, we find people in adverts holding their breath. The fact that the old man is a very stereotypical older Swedish man, while the young boys look ethnically not, adds to the whole slightly bizarre propaganda scene.

"Thank you to those who have shown concern for others. Keep fighting all the way forward." is the payoff for the PSA. Many people thought it was a joke, a parody, but this is a real information ad. 


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