Lamot - The lager of Lamot - (1980) :40 (UK)

Tradition tells of a pils lager, and a man who rode a panther to work. This became an award winning animated advert, it was showcased at an expo in New York
and drew attention at the Cannes festival. It inspired many beers to get a little more creative and weird with their ads.


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this award winning animated advert was showcased at an expo in new york
and drew attention at cannes film festival that help artist who provided the layout
and cel animation for this advert won countless awards due to it's short film tv
status that putted lamot pils :the knights quest on board of the most creative
animation in a short film tv campaign ever produced still growing a fan base today
and inspired on moebius animation for heavy metal movie in 81 and loved by arts
students the world over.

frankie smales

(frankie smales tv and movie review uk)