Link Lust: A Groovy Kind of Link

An ATM dispenses boob bucks, or so reader djchrome reports to MIT Advertising Lab. That fake money thing has been done to death so if this really is delivered by ATM, that's interesting. And infuriating, I'm sure. [via randomculture]

Rice-A-roni is again the San Francisco treat, complete with the old jingle. It's still not available at San Franciscan eateries. ;)

Adcritic reports:

After a mere seven months as CEO of the Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival, Penny Reid has stepped down. Reid, 46, previously served as joint-CEO at Tequila London after it merged with TBWA/GGT, where she had worked for seven years. The news release states Reid left due to personal reasons, and that a new CEO will be recruited soon.

These links brought to you by the anti-boredom campaign.

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