Link Lust: Link Will Lead You Back

Logo Orange has a cool directory of logo design history for famous brands. (hat tip GraphicDesignBar)

A NYTimes article talks about the push to measure effectiveness to determine ROI in traditional media such as outdoor, TV, radio and print.

Decoding Adobe Creative Suite 3's Periodic Table of Program Icons. (via DesignObserver)

Need a sound? might be able to help with a plethora of links to audio clips for things from coots to ovens on the world wide web. (hat tip

Looking for letterpress? Design*Sponge Letterpress Guide provides a working guide to some of the best letterpress studios in the country (as well as a few abroad).

Earlier this month, Guinness had a video floating around the web titled "Hands" by Michael Schlingmann. Now at you can create your own "hand" film. There's also behind-the-scenes footage to view.

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