The Lost Choir - Mad World

Sometimes, power lies in simplicity of analogy. This ad from Grey Düsseldorf wants us to know that every three seconds a child dies from hunger, disease or from drinking contaminated water.

To commemorate the 20th of November's Universal Children's Day, The Wuppertaler Kurrende Boy's Choir performed Gary Jule's Mad World live in front of an unsuspecting audience who watched as the kids left the stage one after the other until there was just one, who delivered the "your donation can help," speech at the end.

Funny how in this context it felt quite authentic. The song is already a downer so its a great choice, but watching the kids leave the stage as they sing: "I find it kind of funny, I find it hard to take, the dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had," is particularly powerful.

Really nice job, guys.

Brand: International Children's Fund
Title: Lost Choir
Agency: Grey Worldwide Düsseldprf, Germany.
CCO: Roland Vanoni
CD: Mark Hendy & Neil Elliot
Creative: Dominik Janning
Art Director: Michael Kucharski
Producer: Anne Parlesch
Account Manager: Anna-Christin Saric
Production Company: Parasol Island
Producer: Kim Düsselberg
DoP: Tim Neiser
2nd Unit: Lukas Remie
Sound: Class Berger
Post production: Dennis Guth
Mastering: Marco Manzo, Studio Funk, Düsseldorf.
Publsihed: November 20th, 2012

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Alec Long's picture

Holy crap. Amazing. I actually wish I'd seen it without your intro, so I could have been completely surprised by the payoff. I've loved this song since hearing it in Donnie Darko. But in this context it's even more powerful.

kidsleepy's picture

Agreed. I mean you could see where it was going but all the same, this is one instance of using pop culture in a way that transcends rather than piggy backs.

Dabitch's picture

Typical German audience? They're not applauding or getting way emotional over the message. HOW CAN YE? ARE YE HEARTS MADE OF STONE? Seriously, I've seen Germans not bliss out to amazing gospel so I believe this is their genuine buttoned down reaction. They're all crying on the inside, man.


This is great.