Lotto - "There's nothing quite like Lotto" / Kiosk, Car, Holiday (Finland)

These Lotto ads depict what we in Sweden call a "golden edge on everyday life" (guldkant på vardagen). A man rushes to line up in a queue at the local kiosk, just to be able to buy that coveted lottery ticket that allows you to dream big. It's not about what you would do when you win, it's about dreaming about what you will do when you win.

What is that? Around the corner? Why, it's the shiniest beacon of a luxury car that you have ever seen.

Passing motorists keep splashing her with rainwater, but she doesn't care because with lotto money she's already on the beach on some exotic faraway land, mentally.

Client: Lotto, Finland
Ad agency: SEK / Grey
Creative Director: Lauri Gran

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