Lowe's "Always Home" (2021) :60 (USA)

I love how this young girl, Rose, opens the ad explaining: "I was born in Hawaii .... but I'm not really Hawaiian.."

She tells the story of her family moving, a lot. They adopted their dog Toby in Maryland, her brother Mark was born in California, yet in nearly every frame, we see her family's constants. That is her military parents. In the end, her dad swoops in to pick up a teddy bear and says "c'mon Rose" as the family leave the house together. 

I recognize the nomadic childhood life as I had one as well, and when people heard about my many moves the first question would be "army brat or diplomat?", a question I'm sure will be posed to Rose at some point too. Home isn't just where the heart is, it's where a family makes their home. Lowe's gives a 10% discount every day to military families, which certainly helps when you're constantly buying new hammers and picture frame hangers. 

Ad agency: Deutsch LA

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Note: "I was born in Hawaii ... but I'm not really Hawaiian..."
If they removed "because" in "because we moved to Maryland when I was a baby" it would work better.
Native Hawaiians, or simply Hawaiians are the Indigenous Polynesian people of the Hawaiian Islands. The traditional name of the Hawaiian people is Kānaka.