Luvs' uses Beatles song and gets some fans riled up

Some how we all knew it was going to happen when we read the news that Luvs "All You Need is Luvs" marketing campaign was using The Beatles "All You Need is Love" song.

The campaign is designed to offer a fresh approach to keep the brand relevant and top-of-mind with mothers. Saatchi & Saatchi, N.Y., created the execution.
The tune will play an important role in this new effort. "The song helps us break through the diaper advertising clutter and simply communicate to moms that Luvs diapers are 'all you need' to keep your baby happy," Saatchi & Saatchi account manager Mark Rolland said in a statement.

In the first 30-second spot, "All You Need is Love" is played in a light rock style over a scene where a family is enjoying quality time together. The father playfully encourages his son as he plays and tumbles with his favorite teddy bear.

And now, not surprising, there are some Beatles fans who are not pleased.

Among the objections is that the idealistic song, popular in the counterculture "Summer of Love" era and among Vietnam War opponents, is being used at the time of another war, in Iraq, to evoke soiled diapers.

"Cha-Chi" Loprete of WZLX radio in Boston has been hosting "Breakfast with the Beatles" shows for more than two decades. He says their songs are "works of art; these are songs that really changed a generation and influenced future generations.

"For me it corrupts and contaminates the memories I have, with a recording of 'All You Need is Love' and it's about a diaper," he grumbled. "John Lennon must be rolling over in his grave."

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