M-sense Migräne has their logo copied by Facebook / Meta

No sooner had Facebook announced their "meta" rebranding before the internet exploded in memes mocking the new name, and new logo.

But M-sense Migräne, an app by Newsenselab, had one better, they already had the logo, except in green. In an announcement on Linkedin they stated: 

"We are very honoured that Facebook felt inspired by the logo of our migraine app - maybe they’ll get inspired by our data privacy procedures as well 👀 🤓"

Well, that's awkward....

M-sense posing on Linked with the tags #dataprivacy #meta #facebook

Granted, while the infinity loop in both logos differs slightly, the similarities are still striking. The really interesting thing is that M-sense took this opportunity to call out Facebook for their now infamous privacy issues. Meta is a rebranding that failed to erase the past that Facebook wished to hide or have forgotten in that first step. 

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