macma - Everyone loves boobs (2017) :60 (Argentina)

Watching nipples sing a broadway tune is... Well, it's not quite as funny as the singing penis. It's the really cheezy end of campy, meant to be humorous with all sorts of boobs joining in, including dads boobs. I understand there's a need to get around the social media issue of not being able to show nipples - DDB Berlin used this 'feature' of Social Media to remind women to check it before it's removed, which was very clever. This is just showing bouncy bopping boobs in a giant video of silly...... Since the video contains boobs, and is weird, sharing is probably inevitable - but will it get women to check their breasts? I'm getting tired of breast cancer awareness ads shoving boobs in my face. Why aren't we seeing ads with dancing cervixes, when women really should do a yearly pap smear to keep check of any cellular changes? Not as visually sexy as boobs, right? Yeah, that's the thing - cancer prevention isn't that funny of a topic if you can't have silly visual like singing boobs or hairy balls talking about themselves.

Client: MACMA
Ad agency: David The Agency
Production: Landia
Music: Massive Music

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