MADD - Hal - (2010) :45 (Canada)

In this PSA from TBWA and Holiday Films, Toronto, pro drunk-drtivers have their own daytime TV show, and it looks exactly like those terrible daytime TV shows of the 80s

Client: MADD
Agency: TBWA\Toronto
Production Company: Holiday Films, Toronto
Director : Adam Massey
Julian Rudd, Vapor Music, Toronto (Music + Sound Production)
anthony wolch (Executive Creative Director)
James Ansley (CD/Copywriter)
Denise Cole (Art Director)
Derek Sewell, Josefina Nadurata (Executive Producer)
Tim Corrigan (Producer)
Barry Parrell (DoP)
Nadya MacNeil (Agency Producer)
Brian Noon, Traffik Edit, Toronto (Editor)

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