Magnaflow - The Sound of Passion / Mario Andretti (2019) 4:00 (USA)

This four-minute video produced by Campsite Media House and directed by Logan Hendricks, brings us directly into the mind of racing legend Mario Andretti.

We first meet Mario in his office, as the faint sounds of the Verdi aria “Eri Tu” play in the background. Mario shares with us that it was the sound that first attracted him to the sport, that sound of engines roaring is still heard in his mind today.

“That sound, the Formula One Engines, were so awesome. I could feel it. I’ve never forgotten it. I became fascinated with racing right then and there.”

While some storytelling choices are a little heavy-handed, such as the red toy car on the desk and later in young Mario's hand, a lot of gorgeous sun-flared images of cars speeding past the camera make up for it.

As all the racing excitement reaches a crescendo, Mario tells us this is where he had to tune everyone and everything out to win. We now see Mario at home, present day, sipping coffee in silence.

“I look at a photo or a trophy today and you know what? It’s more than a memory. I get the feeling. I can hear it. Those engines, those sounds, they are my song. Stock, Nascar, Formula One... they all played a different song and I loved them all. And I still do.” 

 A :15 cutdown is currently being broadcast on Discovery channel and eligible for Emmy consideration in the Outstanding Commercial category.

“The Sound of Passion” was produced by ​Campsite Media House​, a full-service video production company in Southern California founded by Marcus Vadas, Dave Paine and Logan Hendricks. 

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