Many Pets insurance releases fluffy campaign based on hard facts.

There are many health benefits that come from owning a pet. 89% of people queried say that their pet helps them deal with anxiety and unhappiness. 96% of people say owning a pet makes them happier. 89% of people say that their pet helps them deal with anxiety and stress. Insure your happiness. I love it, particularly the "endorphin" one where the tongue is covering the "o". We're getting some tongue action on "legal high" too.  

"legal high - endorphin - anti-stress ball"
It's not just a pupper, it's an upper!

“Pets make everything better,” says Uncommon co-founder Lucy Jameson. “They don’t only bring us joy, they also have a proven positive impact on both our mental and physical wellbeing. In a world of stress and chaos, pets are more important than ever. We spotted there was a huge role and tension for ManyPets to play into here. We wanted to remind people that they have to insure their pets to ensure their happiness. Plus, this was one more weapon in my war of attrition trying to persuade my husband to let us have a dog….”



This furball will de-stress you with purrs.
This dog will keep you fit as you will never miss your daily walks
This shaggy dog is your shaman who will lead you on the right path.

Ad agency: Uncommon, London

Client: Manypets pet insurance

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