Marketing to women a no-brainer that marketeers don't get.

"Studies from around the globe suggest women are responsible for 85 per cent of all purchasing decisions - yet by Stevens's reckoning, 80 per cent of all ads either offend women, ignore them or hark back to stereotypes developed 50 years ago."

The Australian writes about advertising failing to communicate with women, and interviews a few people along the way. Choice quote from Amanda Stevens; "Unfortunately a lot of marketers think that sticking a picture of a woman in an ad is a marketing strategy."

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tlevitz's picture

Re: hoary old stereotypes and plopping in a photo of a woman...

Oops! Just worked on a mailer targeting women 29-49 (boy, that's broad! no pun intended). Yes, both client and consultant -- women themselves -- loved the smiling stock photo girl but what they really wanted was the color pink and lots of it.