- Football Game (2005) 0:30 (USA)

Agency: hanft raboy and partners
Director: Peter Chelsom

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kushwaha's picture

Wasn't there an ad exactly like this for Adidas or Nike where a streaker runs through a football field to be taken down by an american football quarterback?

kushwaha's picture

A british 'soccer' football field...

Dabitch's picture

The original "streaker" on a footie-field was for Nike but then everyone had to spoof it, so Terry Tate Quarterback for Reebok slams the poor streaker in their version of the ad. Just search on the word "streaker" and you'll find them all. :P

Dabitch's picture

Silly me, you can find all of the streaker-event here in Caff's article Streakers on the run in ads.