Mazda "Your getaway car" (2020) :30 (Israel)

Like everywhere else on the planet, Israel is not immune (ugh sorry) to the Covid-19 pandemic.

But as everyone except for the rich government leaders and Hollywood celebrities with mansions can attest to, staying at home indefinitely is causing a lot of undue stress on us.

No matter where we live, all of us would like some space and the chance to get away.

Some here comes Mazda, to show you the way with a timely insight.

There's a phenomenon going on right now where people are just getting in their cars and sitting, listening to music, and pretending they aren't losing their minds.

Mazda in Israel teamed up with Spotify to curate a few short playlists (so you won't. get in trouble with the missus, or in the case of California, the cops or the Governor) for daring to venture outside.

They have "Pick Me Up," "Zen Me Out," or "G-D Give Me Strength" to choose from . 

I love this idea so much I want to write to Mazda USA and tell them to hand BBR Saatchi and Saatchi the business because this idea actually creates a solution, unlike the Frankenstein of Disconnect mutant created  by Garage Team Mazda last month. 



src="">Frankenstein of Disconnect mutant created  by Garage Team Mazda last month. 



Client: Mazda

Agency Credits: BBR Saatchi & Saatchi Israel

Client: Mazda – Delek Motors

CEO: Ben Muskal

CCO: Yaron Perel

Creative VP: Lior Meiri

Creative Director: Ori Hasson

Creative Team : Lika Mishne, Noam Nizrad, Itamar Paradny

Agency producer:  Iris Yisraeli

VP Client Services: Aviv Benzikri

Account Supervisor:  Moran Herscovich

Account Manager: Lilia Zigelboim, Alex Gurfinkel

Marcom: Eva Hasson


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