McDonald's - Super Bowl Tickets (1995) - 0:60 (USA)

Michael Jordan and Larry Bird make a quick cameo here, referencing their "nothing but net" ad, while two procrastinators make their way to the best seat in the house.

Client: McDonald's
Director: Robert Lieberman

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Mets82's picture

as if they allow on the field.

Mets82's picture

It was actually funny that they got both the 49ers and chargers uniforms for the spot considering they tape spots so far in advance.

AnonymousCoward's picture

I loved the ticket seller's laughing. She was infectious. I watched over and over and each time she made me laugh. Thought she was the best one in the whole commercial.

AnonymousCoward's picture

me too she is great. looks like she was gonna laugh herself right off her seat.

Jim Wager's picture

Not funny at all. I was the Art Director for this commercial. The 2 tickets that Michael Jordan hands to Jerry & Jerry - the 2 McDonald's burger-eating super-sports fans - are in my possession and up for sale on ebay right now. Robert Lieberman directed the entire series of commercials that culminated on Super Bowl Sunday, January 29, 1995 So how did we know to get the right jerseys - SF & SD? If you guess the right answer, I'll let you know. Promise.

AnonymousCoward's picture

Not funny at all. I was the Art Director. We shot 3 days after both teams cinched their respective leagues.

Jim Wager's picture

I was the Art Director on the Rob Lieberman directed MickyDee commercial. I'm selling the ticket on ebay that Michael Jordan is holding.

Jim Wager's picture

I was the Art Director for this commercial. One of the 2 tickets that Michael Jordan hands to the 2 McDonald's burger-eating super-sports fans, Jerry & Jerry. Robert Lieberman directed the entire series of commercials that culminated at the Super Bowl. The hardest part??? How did we know to get the right jerseys - SF & SD? I'll never tell.