McLawsuit of the Moment - Fight the designGurus

Roland Henss 'Capitalis Pirata' font has gotten Plazm font factory their very own cease and desist letter from McDonalds fat factory, McDonalds doesn't like the "M" which looks a lot like theirs. Actually that was the idea,

"By placing corporate icons into the form of an alphabet, Henss challenges the notion of ownership of letterforms. Since a copyright cannot be placed on the alphabet itself, this typeface raises issues about the boundaries of ownership and the proprietary nature of letterforms in the public domain."
An M-free version of the font can be downloaded at Plazm.

If I ruled design is a little flash game that lets you take on the big men of Bauhaus, the logo king Paul Rand and the typographers with mad skillz - just remember to duck!

UPDATE: on a related note - There was once a font aptly named McLawsuit - alas that has been C&Deed as well. On the same site you can pick up Munificent based on the San Fran MUNI logo.

Hat tip to tlevitz and Michiel on adlist.

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