A 15:45 I spoke to Axel Andén at Medievärlden who needed to tease me a little: Who wants to see 37 years of old super bowl commercials Åsk Wäppling?
Yeah, who would want that? You sickos! And me! That's who, so I retort: Advertising nerds, this is popular culture, lots of expressions stem from super bowl ads.
Quick translation inside.
What so special about advertising in the Super Bowl?- It's the only time you have the whole country watching the same commercials. When you spend this kind of money to reach as many people as possible, you really want to stand out in the crowd!
- One has realized that people remain seated to actually watch the commercials and they're talking about the films that are more daring.Why are you the one archiving and hosting these films?
- I've collected for a long time, it's many years of emails and phone calls to producers, advertising agencies and the clients.Did you get them all?
- Almost. Some films from the 1976 year are still missing, and I do not have any of the 1975 which was the first year the Super Bowl was aired in only one channel.Do you earn money by posting these videos?
- I have put in a lot of Google advertising now, but I want the advertising to a targeted audience, advertising students, advertising and advertising geeks, and so does the audience, so we'll see if it pays.Have you noticed any increase in traffic?
- Yes, I have gone 30000-40000 unique visitors a day, and they come from all over the world. I have started using Google Analytics now and will compile a statistical basis to sell banners.