Miami guerilla agency tattoos kids for fashion brand.

Miami advertising didn't plan it that way, but it was bound to happen. Giving out these retro chick temporary tattoos (as seen above on a Miami ad agency worker who should dress up as Mr Clean on Halloween) and asking people to send in photographs of them wearing the tats for a chance of winning a shopping spree at MQ fashion store will either end up with a) lots of nude shots or b) cute kids sporting tats. Seems Swedes aren't as raunchy as their reputation alludes, since there were only one or two risque pictures competing.

"To promote a new collection, Sailor retro chick, created by Hanna Lindström ( a local Gothenburg designer who won the Fresh Fish underground fashion competition) MQ together with Miami Guerrilla Agency made a guerilla campaign that included temporary tattoos, which were handed out by a sailor girl who was acompagnated by a troubadour, also in sailor clothing. To increase the impact of the tattoos a web challenge was created, where the competitors took pictures of their tattoos and sent by MMS to the site
The campaign included 10 000 sheets of tattoos and was handed out in Gothenburg, Stockholm and Malmoe. Totally tattoos were distributed in 10 MQ-stores in Sweden during three weeks. 130 pictures were uploaded during the campaign."

This is what the tattoo sheets looked like.

And, since everyone knows that cute kids and puppies sell, mothers pasted the temporary tattoos all over their little adorable offspring and had their entire families go vote for them, soon the top ten list was full of toddlers sporting tats, as well the occasional real ink job.

You can see the top ten winning photos at Sailorretrochick and eagle eyed adgrunts will recognize the heavily inked abs. Now, pardon me while I dash out to shop up my winnings! WEE! I won I won I won!

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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adlib's picture

Rating it five just for your abs.

lordFredruk's picture

Oh, thank you dear. From now on every campaign will contain my arms :-)

Allan1's picture

Looks like half the winners had real tats, the other half had their temp tats.

Whadja win?

Dabitch's picture

Shopping spree! I'm considering getting everything but the hat here. Especially the coat.

Allan1's picture

Great! - But don't get the red eye shadow! It doesn't really work (and wouldn't match your hair anyway.