Michael Kors "Holiday Gifting" (2015) :45 (USA)

This spot features Danish model Nina Agdal. It begins with Michael Kors reciting the opening to "A Visit From St. Nicholas" except putting his own spin on it. When he utters the phrase "over-the-top," as if on cue, Nina shifts into overdrive, and gets into the Christmas spirit like her life depended on it, wrapping presents like a housewife on Adderall. Wrapping everything under the roof in fact, including a turkey dinner, the tree, and-- get this--herself!


This further cements my belief that buttons in spots are entirely unnecessary.And I am sticking to that belief system.

Client: Michael Kors
Production Company: Big Block
Director: Josh+Vince
DP: Joe Victorine
Executive Producer: Corwin Carroll
Managing Director: Kenny Solomon
Producer: Mat Hollis
Model: Nina Agdal

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