Microsoft #MakeWhatsNext" (2017) 1:00 (USA)

As part of its #MakeWhatsNext campaign, in time for International Women's Day, Microsoft asked young girls what they would like to do when they grow up. They answered in everything from medicine to science to technology and more. Then Microsoft gave them a glimpse of the future in a VR headset. Then they pulled the plug on their dreams and told them good luck with that. Because only 6.7% of American women, and 16% globally ever graduate with STEM degrees. The girls are crestfallen but not beaten and vow to be those ones to do it because no one is going to stop them. Nor should any one stop them.
What I don't understand from this ad is exactly who or what is preventing so many of them graduating with STEM degrees. The spot wants me to visit Make What's Next presumably to find out. But if you go there, the site is primarily designed to get girls to learn computer science which is understandable. While I don't doubt Microsoft's noble intentions here, I do think throwing a negative statistic in young girls' faces, after inspiring them, is not a great way to keep them inspired. They don't even ask why that statistic exists. How effectively can a problem be solved without naming the root cause?

CLIENT: Microsoft:
Kathleen Hall – CVP, Global Advertising & Media
Deana Singleton – GM, Global Advertising
Jenny Leahy – Director, Global Social and Media Partnerships
Ron Schott – Senior Mar Com Manager
Markus Weickenmeier – Senior Manager, Global Advertising
Vivian Lee – Manager, Global Advertising

AGENCY: M:united//McCann
Sean Bryan – Co-Chief Creative Officer
Tom Murphy – Co-Chief Creative Officer
Susan Young –Executive Creative Director
Daniela Vojta –Executive Creative Director
David Cappolino – Copywriter
Julie Koong – Art Director
Kelly Kim – Designer
Elina Rudkovskaya – Copywriter, Social
William Montgomery – Art Director, Social
Creative Technology:
David Cliff – Director of Creative Technology
Alicia Foor – Creative Technologist
Aaron Kovan – Director of Integrated Production
Carolyn Johnson – Executive Producer
Rebecca Magner - Producer
Jeremy Adirim – Director of Interactive Production
Charlotte Popper – Interactive Producer
Music Production:
Eric Johnson – Executive Integrated Music Producer
Sam Belkin – Music Coordinator
John Dunleavy - President
Kevin Nelson – Managing Director
Tina Galley – Executive Account Director
Rosemary Calderone – Group Account Director
Sarah Keiber – Group Account Director, Social
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Sam Schmidt – Account Executive
Ellie Choi – Account Executive, Social
Project Management:
Stella Warkman – Director of Project Management
Vinny Tran – Senior Project Manager
Michelle Kiely – Global Director of Strategy
Justin Ballheim – Strategy Director

Tool of North America:
JJ Adler – Director
Oliver Fuselier – Managing Partner, Live Action
Brad Johns – Executive Producer
Greg Jones – Producer
Laura Merians – DP

Cosmo Street Editorial:
Tessa Davis – Editor
Josh Berger – Assistant Editor
Becca Reil – Producer
Yvette Sears – Executive Producer

Framestore VFX:
Sarah Hiddlestone, Head of Production/EP
Karen Czukerberg - Senior Producer
Raven Sia - Senior Producer
Karl Woolley - Head of VR
Andy Rowan Robinson – Creative Director
Steve Drew – Compositing Supervisor
Raul Ortego – Head of Flame
Beau Leon - Colorist
Jonah Braun - Color Assist
Marc Smith
Abram Seaman
Patrick Ross
Georgios Cherouvim
Georgios Papaioannou
Jacob Slutsky
Glory Zheng
Mohamed Echkouna
Sean Curran
Shayne Ryan
Will Frazier

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