Mind Cooler - Dry Cleaning / Grandma - (2004) 0:30 (Sweden)

a classic "good news" after "bad news" twist all shot with a hidden camera.

Dry Clean Man: I have some bad news...
Woman: What..?
Dry Clean Man: The laundry didn't go too well.
Woman: But what, this is..?
Dry Clean Man: The machine.. *pouf* it just went *pouf*.
Woman: Oh dear, I'm dying here, what exactly...?

Dry Clean Man: It was Bosse, he was smoking at the same time as he put the laundry in.

Woman: Oh my god! These are things my grandmother has made!

Dry Clean Man: Take it easy, I got some good news too.

Woman: ...?
Dry Clean Man: This. Mind Cooler. Great stuff.

Woman: eh.. yeah yeah.. but...


Dry Clean Man: It's really tasty you know.

Woman: yeah, whatever.


Super: Mind Cooler - Finally some good news.


Pun Note: "Good" is also "tasty" in Swedish.

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