MiniBrother - Big brother in a Mini

A new link submission we'd like to alert y'all too is this Mini Brother link, it's just like the show Big Brother, but in a Mini.
Windows media only. (i'm sowwy)

The three one-minute vignettes spoof the activities of five contestants who are all staying in the "Mini Brother" car.

Update on credits: Created by Meme Digital a digital and viral hot shop in Soho, London. Memedigital is affiliated to WCRS, which is part of the Arnold Network. This is their debut work for Mini.

Creatives: Dan Fisher, Anson Harris and Mark Nicholson - the spots were shot by Steve Sander of Quiet Storm.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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deeped's picture

I get short of rating points! I wanna give it a ten... or a twenty! This is hilarious. Totally stupid. I was so taken that I wondered how they did when nature called ;) ...

The BB-concept is generous on doing creative spin-offs. A swedish semi-youthTVprogram called "Raggadish" did a couple of totally insane parts on the concept.

In Mini it's so perfect! The feeling of claustrophobia, all the parts that made Big Brother a success: the stabs in the back, the sex, the secrets come alive...

AnonymousCoward's picture

Just brilliant.
And also very funny.

Anyone know who did it?

Dabitch's picture

Just updated with the credits; MemeDigital

aiiobo's picture

Haaaa! That was great. But why only crummy windows media?

deeped's picture

Cuz PC rules the world? ;)