Mix Brasil Festival "Everyone is Gay" (2014) :45 (Brazil)

This spot for 22º Mix Brasil Festival of Culture and Diversity takes the stereotypical "if you do x behavior than you're gay," and turns it on its head. Funny stuff.

Title: Everyone is gay
Product: 22º Mix Brasil Festival of Culture and Diversity
Company: Mix Brasil
Copywriter: Fabio Mozeli
Art Director: Daniel Chagas Martins
Art Director: Fabiano Pinel
Creative Director: Alexandre Gama
Creative Director: Marcio Ribas
Account Manager: Silvia Tommasini, Mariana D’Aprile, Felipe Sakai and Gabriel Monteiro
Plannner: Eduardo Lorenzi
Media: Luiz Gini and Giuliana Chekin
Production Director: Mariah Bayeux
RTVC: Paula Alimonda and Gabriela Baroni
Production Company: Hungy Man Brazil
Film Director Amnésia and João Caetano Feyer
Director of Photography: Fernando Young
Film Art Director: Pedro Henrique Rodrigues
Executive Producer: Alex Mehedff and Rodrigo Castello
Production Manager: Renata Dumont and Mariana Barbiellini
Production: Hungry Man Team
Editor: Amnésia
Post Production Supervisor: Rodrigo Oliveira
Post Production Company: Efecktor
Color Grading: Psyco N'Look
Sound Company: Satélite Áudio
Sound Manager: Fernanda Costa and Marina Castilho
Client Approval: André Fischer, João Federici and Tatiane Nunes

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The astronaut & banana was the best.