Move over influencers, AI ads are here - generate a pitch video with a prompt

AI innovations are accelerating so fast, it's hard to keep up these days. Every day there seems to be a new thing out there. For example, with you can generate a very lifelike video, pitching anything you like. Just as you can Heygen and Sociaclone, they all use a combination of AI, photographs and animation to create shorts clips from your prompts. Watch this pitch, created with

Now imagine if a content creator uploaded their image and generated personalized videos pitching stuff, and sent directly to fans over DMs. Or forget the content creator, imagine creating your own digital 'content creator', and generating hundreds of videos each month for as many clients as you like. Make pitch videos in any language you like, and have the mouth match to change with the language.

The ad market is already oversaturated with cheap looking AI images, so why not AI videos as well? I've seen deepfaked Jennifer Aniston shilling weird diets on Twitter, lord knows what we can do with these AI apps.

Write any script, and save money on video production instantly.

For the permanently logged-on, videos like these tailored to each viewer may be the way to cut through the clutter. For people who hate videos where people talk in the cars, this may be the final nail in the coffin and they'll permanently log off. For the online advertising and influencer industry this new tool might lead to big earnings. Love it or hate it, keep an eye on it.

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