Movers and Shakers: Modernista! dubs Catherine Heath CSO - Miami Opens in Stockholm

Catherine Heath has been named Chief Strategy Officer for Modernista!, it was announced today by Matthew Charlton, Worldwide President of Modernista! She begins work on January 15.

The hire follows recent senior management changes at Modernista, which include Charlton being named president, and the moves of Clift Jones to Chief Operating Officer, Chris Wallrapp to Chief Marketing Officer, and Matt Howell to Chief Technology Officer. Co-founders Lance Jensen and Gary Koepke remain Executive Creative Directors.

“Catherine offers us a fantastic mixture of traditional brand thinking, understanding cutting edge technology and a command of new media behavior,” said Matthew Charlton, Worldwide President, Modernista! “Having her on board allows us to consolidate all the strategy departments of our business - Brand Planning, Media Planning, and Social Media Engineering - under one leader, and deliver a seamless point of view to our clients.”

Miami, the Gothenburg Guerilla guys, have opened an office in Stockholm. Like any Stockholm agency they stuck close to Stureplan, Sturegatan 34, and might have room to hire people. So dust off that CV if you want to impress.
Gossip: In December Facebook COO was nominated to Disney board, and now a little birdie tells me that Disney Club Penguinhas just hired as their EVP of Marketing the ex-head of Not gotten confirmation of this yet, but you might want to tweak your kid-safe internet settings.
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