Moviecat2 "Colonel Meow" (2014) 1:00 (USA)

Colonel Meow (Not to be confused with Chairman Meow) stars in this delightfully cheesy and over the top video to promote the new movie trivia app, MovieCat2.

Agency: Draftfcb Seattle/SF
Client: OtherWise Games
CD: Matt Gilmore
CD: Leif Allen
Copywriter: Josie Keeney
Art Director: Peter West
Producers: Leif Allen, Matt Gilmore
Music Composition: Steve Andrews
Sound Design: HEARby Sound
Sound Engineer: John Buroker
VO: Glenn Rockowitz
VFX: Straightface Studios
Directors: Guy Paquin, Jessica Aceti
Producer: Beckie Kelly
Executive Producer: Don Lange
Animators: Torin Kovach, Asa Pefferman, Carina Simmons, Adrien Lee
Compositor: Gavin Greenwalt

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