MTV Green picks - a club/event poster that turns old cards into guitar picks

The MTV "Green Picks Recycle Machine" demonstrated here by eager club goes is a nicely designed giant hole-puncher that will punch a guitar pick shaped hole into your old useless plastic cards, making them useful once again as now you can rock out! It was installed in bars, night clubs and other places in São Paulo, Brazil.

Agency: Loducca Advertiser: MTV Brasil Creative Team: Alex Adati, Raphael Franzini, Ricardo Alonso Creative Directors: André Faria, Cássio Moron Chief Creative Officer: Guga Ketzer Account Services: Sabrina Spinelli, Monica Di Pierro, Silvia Durazzo Executive Producers: Sid Fernandes, Ana Luisa André Development: Rui Americano Produções Client: Helena Bagnoli, Wagner Gorab, Ana Penteado Published: February 2012

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