Museum of Brands opens in London today

Shots reports that today is the grand opening of the Museum of Brands, Packaging and Advertising, located in the Notting Hill area of London. Four years in the making, the museum will feature some 10,000 objects spanning 200 years.

"Our research shows that everyone from brand owners, marketeers, creatives and students will find the museum a valuable resource, making it a focal point for ideas and inspiration," said consumer historian and museum director Robert Opie.

The museum is registered as a charity and has sponsors including Kellogg's, Cadbury and Twinings. See the museum's website for directions and hours.

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Old Adgrunt from back in the day's picture

Before all this COVID nonsens, I happened to be in London for a shoot. We unexpectedly ended up with a day off and I didn't know what do to. I remembered (very vaguely) that you had mentioned a museum like this and searched for it. Well worth the visit, this was a lot of fun and I think even a non adgrunt would enjoy all the fancy packaging and odd things on display here.