Naked ad exposed

Brand Republic exposes the naked truth behind a complaint made to the ASA regarding advertising posters for "Naked" by the Ballet Boyz.

The poster showed dancers in the buff and the complainer extracted that the show would contain nudity.

But there was not a jaybird to be found in the show.

The complainant said that the image was not taken from the ballet. Furthermore, she objected that the show "contained no scenes of an adult nature, as stated on the leaflet".
"Because it understood that the back projections for the performance featured dancers who were naked from the waist up and the general tone of the ballet was sensual, the authority concluded that readers were unlikely to be materially misled by the leaflet," the ASA said.

The ASA did not strip the ad from being run, and concluded that birthday suit flyers were not covered under misleading or deceitful advertising.

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