NetFlorist launches campaign to get guys to send flowers to their mates when their football team loses.

What do South African men think about every 6 seconds? That’s right. Football. English Premier League Football, to be precise. Some would say they love it more than their, well, loved ones.

So, expanding market with their tongue firmly placed in cheek, and armed with a heckin' clever use of an AI tool that links up to all the live scores and relevant hashtags of every Premier League match. At the end of each game, the tool automatically creates a unique banner featuring the game’s score and then immediately hijacks the heated Twitter football conversation in real-time. Fans are then led to the ‘Bouquets for Bros’ page where they can choose from 20 individually designed and colour-coded commiseration arrangements to send to their mates, to really rub their noses in it.

“Guys tend to show affection for one another through banter and ‘dissing’. So, we figured, what better way to do this than by getting them to send each other huge bunches of flowers to say how sorry you are for their loss, not!” said Chief Creative Officer, Mike Barnwell.

Move over Valentine's day, ‘Bouquets for Bros’ is gonna be big. I want to send some of these.

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