New Popcorn Ad Proves Orville Isn't Dead

Thanks to Crispin Porter + Bogusky, Anonymous Content and Digital Domain, Orville Redenbacher lives again. Although perhaps they should have let him rest in peace, considering the creepy effect of digitally recreating the popcorn maestro. Perhaps the technology to bring back the dead is nearly here, but after seeing this piece of work, we might want to hold off on bringing back Dave in Wendy's ads or The Colonel for KFC.

Superadgrunts, check it out here.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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payote's picture

OK, so my 2¢:

1. The ad sucks. If they were attempting to create a post-modern commentary on the stupidity of the original ads, then it doesn't suck, it just doesn't work.
2. The CG is shitty. I'll venture to guess the client's budget did line up with the creative's expectations.
3. What was Orville rocking on the iPod? The Hold Steady? Or Perry Como?
4. CG Orville? You're no BK King.

payote's picture

*budget didn't line up*

Plywood's picture

Embarassingly horrible.

Anyone seen the Gilliam film Tideland? Reminds me of it.

I feel much better about myself knowing that Crispin can do the shitttiest of shit work now and again.

I must go now and pour some turpentine in my eyes to cleanse my palate.

Dabitch's picture

wtf was that!? Exactly what the client asked for? "Orivlle was popular. Bring him back."
Shit that ad was just creepy.

Plywood's picture

that's weird - i made another comment after having clicked on the story and now it's "inside" the story rather than with these comments.

TDD's picture

I so wanted to see Ash burst into a scene with his boomstick and make short work of that creepy lookin' undead zombie.

"Shop smart. Shop S-Mart."

Dabitch's picture

..hang on, is that a bug? *bughunting goggles still on* - No .. wait, I know what happened, you made another comment after viewing the ad, right? Yeah that comments goes under the ad instead. The ad and the newsy-bit are treated by the database as two diferent 'stories', so they have different comment sections as well.

malkie66's picture

We have the technology to bring the dead back to film. Have a look at this amazing vid I found on Digg today - 3D Morphing

DatoMan1's picture


ick. just. ick.