New RAB campaign touts effectiveness

Created by New York ad agency DeVito/Verdi, a campaign for the Radio Advertising Bureau breaks today. It promotes the radio as a "highly effective and essential tool for today's advertisers and their agencies".

The tagline "If it works, don't ignore it" aims to communicate the consequences of overlooking something proven to be effective, such as radio. The print ads will appear in Advertising Age, Adweek, Creativity, Brandweek, Mediweek, Marketing Y Medios, and Automotive News along with other magazines read by advertisers. In addition, a website has been created to support the print campaign that offers links to industry sites such as the Radio Mercury Awards and Radio Ad Effectiveness Lab. Read more to check out the print.

Blip from the press release:

The ads target marketers, media buyers and the creative community in a way that will drive home the message that radio is too important to ignore. Making the connection between what can happen when you fail to use something intended to produce results, the campaign's message is unmistakable: Ignore radio at your own peril.

"People have been writing radio's obituary for years, but the truth is: there is nothing else that compares with its ubiquity, effectiveness and ROI," said Ellis Verdi, president of DeVito/Verdi. "What we're also trying to communicate to the creative class is that radio enables you to be much
freer to write funny, thoughtful or emotional spots - more so than with any other medium."

There is something somewhat ironic about the fact that they aren't using radio as part of the campaign.


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Dabitch's picture

ha! yes that is kinda funny. ;)