New York Lottery - Beach Party - (2012) :30 (US)

Proving that you don't have to spend money to have fun with money, DDB Worldwide recently tapped Fluid Editorial to deliver a range of post-production services on a raucous new spot for the New York Lottery.

Client: NY Lottery
Spot : Beach Party :30
Air Date: August 2012

Agency: DDB Worldwide
CCO: Matt Eastwood
Group CD: Rich Sharp
CD: Mike Sullivan
Head of Production: Ed Zazzera
Executive Producer: Walter Brindak

Production Co.: @radical media
Director: Dave Meyers
EP: Jim Bouvet, Maya Brewster
Head of Production: Frank Dituri
Line Producer: Angie Revell

Editorial Co: Fluid
Editor: John Piccolo
Assistant Editor: Dan Ratcliff
Executive Producer: Laura Relovsky

Post-production Co.: Fluid
Flame/Online: Wes Waldron

Color Grading: Co 3
Colorist: Tom Poole

Mix: Mr. Bronx
Mixer: Dave Wolfe

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