Nike Livestrong - Armstrong manager T-shirts - (2007) :30 (USA)

Advertising Agency: Wieden Kennedy/Portland, OR

First Airdate: December 1, 2007

Art Director: Shannon McGlothin
Copywriter: Marco Kaye
Producer: Shannon Worley

Lance Armstrong Management Co: Capitol Sports & Entertainment

Production Company: GO Film/NY
Director: Christopher Guest
Director of Photography: Jeff Cutter
Executive Producers: Gary Rose, Jonathan Weinstein, Robert Wherry
Producer: Leah Fleischmann
Edit Company: Whitehouse Post/Santa Monica
Editor: David Brixton ("Feed the Warrior") Kevin Zimmerman ("T-Shirts")
Executive Producer: Justin Kumpada

Shoot Location: Pittsburgh, PA

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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ost.macka's picture

Lance Armstrong just rubs me the wrong way.  If he were hawking Coke, I'd buy Pepsi.  

Dabitch's picture

Dude beats all sorts of cancer and wins the hell out of every bike race ever, of course he rubs us lazy-ass normal people the wrong way. I wheeze going for my extra cuppa joe in the mornings man.

Allan1's picture

Lance not only beats cancer, but afterwards, dumps his wife of 12+(???) years. (My wife felt that he was a rat bastard, after she [his wife] stood by him through his cancer). Then he's with Sheryl Crow, gets engaged, then she dumps him - then she gets cancer, and still won't take him back!

Oh, yeah, the French are sure that he cheated...

"Remember, no matter where you go... There you are." (Buckaroo Banzai).

Mets82's picture

Hey I got a lot of respect for Lance Armstrong. The guy beats cancer and is unstoppable in the Tour De France. He represented our country well. I wonder how Sheryl Crow is doing?