Nissan Maxima campaign is hot hot hot

The new campaign for the Nissan Maxima is not only turning heads, but also melting lamp-posts. The car is parked in strategic places in NYC and L.A. and objects nearby, such as street lamps, trash cans and parking meters, melt and droop by the sheer 'hotness' of the new car. This is more like installation art than an ad campaign. Read more to see images.

Kidding, that's not it, although that is a Nissan.

"Nissan hopes to reach beyond traditional marketing with this unique integrated campaign," said Fred Suckow, Director of Nissan Marketing. "With the Maxima street scenes, consumers are engaged through all their senses. Not only will the scenes grab the attention of onlookers in busy metro areas, but they will also bring to life the essence of Maxima and the 'Hotness' campaign."

All creative in this campaign was created by ad agency TRUE in Playa del Rey, California. Other media includes TV ads, regular print ads and 'wild' posters. The hot meltdown site where the car melts objects around it are in NYC, Third Avenue & 13th Street, West Broadway & SoHo Grand, Houston & Lafayette. In L.A. the hot car can be seen in the following spots; Melrose & Spaulding, Highland & Sunset, 3rd Street & Harper. Watch so you don't burn.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Andreas-Udd's picture

I'd like mine medium-rare please.

silver3's picture

This kills so much It makes me sick.

Cheers to Fred Suckow for letting stuff like this live.

It's evident that the ritualistic beatings you endured in grade school because of your last name, have only made you a better client for it.

Dabitch's picture

Ads that are like installation art isn't completly new, actually there's been art installation ideas that later became ad campaign ideas - remember the Richard Piece vs Museum of contemporary art and Britart? - but this is admittidly, pretty darn neat. I love the surreal feel of the melted parking meter and that extra touch of hot generated by the smoke. Great attention to detail. It's cool. ;)

LA-Adman's picture

This is pretty cool, is the agency TRUE still around? I like how fresh this feels despite it being more than ten years ago.