nochildforsale / worldvision - no Child for Sale, Keweshi Home shopping sale - (2013) :30 (CANADA)

Oh nu-uh they din't! Oh yu-uh they gone 'n did! - a spoof of those TV-shop / Home shopping network shows the perfectly coiffed hosts talk about the ever versatile, hard working and adaptable 9 year old child named Keweshi who can work all day for you. What??

Ah, I see, it's who are fighting child slavery by updating what a slavery auction must have looked like, fitting it into our home-shopping TV staring style of modern times. Because you know what? Slavery might not be legal these days, but every year 1.2 million children are sold into slavery.

Creative Agency: kbs+p
Associate Creative Director: Mark Lewis
Associate Creative Director: Nicole Ellerton
Agency Producer: Alina Prussky

Production Company: OPC FS / Knucklehead
Director: Ben Gregor
Executive Producers: Donovan Boden, Harland Weiss
Line Producer: Dwight Phipps
Director of Photography: Doug Kogh

Digital Production Company: Real Interactive

Editorial: School Editing
Editor: Brian Wells

Transfer: Technicolor
Colourist: Randy Perry

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