Burger King - Mayo (2004) 0:30 (USA)

Best. Reaction. Ever.

Agency: Crispin Porter + Bogusky

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Dabitch's picture

hehehehe, this new BK campain is funny.

AnonymousCoward's picture

A familiar environ to all. Geeks, bosses and the hot girl in the office blowing 'em away. YIKES! Very close to home, er... office here. Nice and edgy, racy, excellent! Mmmmm....mayo.
migmel on MADison.

deeped's picture

Where's the chicken?!!!!! :)

(but a lot of what one self can dream of in this pic :))

AnonymousCoward's picture

That sound the dude in the glasses makes - it's so hideous, yet so appealing.

Also, check the ad closely...Office Babe seems to have enjoyed her taste of man-mayo :)

AnonymousCoward's picture

Very funny. What a perfect office TOAD, who says "bust-ED!" in his own special way. But let's not forget the other one featuring the guy who insists on letting the boss know he got the SAME EXACT sandwich over and over.

"Hey...there's an extra set of buns in here. Want to kiss them too?"
